Frequently Asked Questions

why should I file my taxes with a CPA?

The tax code can be difficult to understand and there is no guarantee to whether free or cheap software will file your taxes correctly. Filing with a CPA helps you file with fewer mistakes, save time and money, and reduce the risk of audit. You would have a professional representing you and answering any questions along the way.

Why should i file my taxes with dudley tax & financial services?

Dudley Tax & Financial is a unique tax provider that is entirely online. The costs that we save from not buying large offices and all the related expenses saves us time that is used for client relations, and money that is used to keep prices lower. Choosing us means secure and timely tax filing, IRS audit protection, and premium client service

Can you help if I haven’t filed in a while?

I will review your situation and your account with the IRS to understand if you were required to file. I will then work with the IRS to get you up to date.

How do I know which forms are tax forms?

Most forms will specify say that they are tax forms but I have created a questionnaire to help you gather everything you might need. Schedule an appointment or contact me for details.

I received a letter from the IRS (or another government agency). What do I do?

Send a copy of the letter and we can review it to discuss the situation. If you are a new client, I will likely need the corresponding tax return (or filing) for that period. Many times I will need a copy of Form 2848 granting me Power of Attorney so that I can review your account with the agency.

Do you file simple returns?

Yes. I will review the situation and verify if there is a requirement to file or a benefit from doing so. I can then help with filing.

Am I withholding enough for my taxes?

This is something that I can review with you but a good way to estimate it is to compare how much you’ve withheld year-to-date with last year’s tax due (Form 1040, line 16). Feel free to contact me if you have further questions.

How much do you charge?

The amount charged varies depending on the complexity of the return but the typical range of an individual return is $150-$300 and $300-$800 for business returns. These are only ranges and the actual amounts can deviate from them. I’ll give you an estimate before I start your return. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.